Main Curriculum

Thematic and Integrated Approach (English and Chinese)

The themes chosen are relevant to children’s experiences and appropriate for their level of understanding. Integration also helps to cross over subject areas and enables children to relate basic academic skills to real-world ideas and experiences.

Character First Education

It is a programme that was developed by the Character Training Institute of Oklahoma and consists of various activities, real life examples, songs and craft ideas to make learning character fun and engaging.

Jolly Music

Jolly Music is inspired by the great Hungarian composer and educator, Zoltan Kodaly and uses singing as the basic means of working with children. Lessons progress from simple to complex and are done in small logical steps, with reinforcement and practice in every lesson.

ORIGO Mathematics

Math lessons will no longer be just a ‘sit and listen’ style but rather, the children will construct knowledge of concepts and develop skills through hands-on interactive activities. Concepts that have been learnt are also reinforced throughout the year.

Reading Bee series (English readers)

Reading Bee combines humour, creative illustrations, captivating images and clever storytelling to provide young readers with enjoyable and successful reading experiences.

排排坐系列 Pai Pai Zuo Graded Readers (Chinese readers)

They have a collection of readers that offers a wide range of beautifully illustrated stories to appeal to young children. The language and content used in the reader books are designed to be appropriate for young readers’ cognitive abilities.

Learning Centre

Our Learning Centre is a communal play area shared by children of all class levels. It is a space where children get the opportunity to develop a range of skills through interactions with the materials and with each other.

Termly Home Projects

The purpose of our Termly Home Projects is to allow parents to have the opportunity to work on a task together with their child. The children will then bring their home projects back to school for Show and Tell which helps to build their confidence and oral expression.

Daily Praise and Worship sessions and Weekly Bible stories

As we are a Christian faith-based preschool, we want to start the day right by gathering all classes to have a Praise and Worship session in our Assembly Hall. We also have weekly Bible stories on Fridays. Both the Praise and Worship sessions and Bible stories are conducted in English and Chinese.

Field Trips

Field trips are always fun and exciting for children and it provides them with new opportunities for learning through experience. This is why we make it a point to organise field trips for the children at least once every school term.

Special Celebrations

There are several celebrations in a year that the children will be able to engage in, such as National Day, Racial Harmony Day, Chinese New Year, etc. During these celebrations, children of different classes get to dress up, interact with one another and basically just enjoy the programme together.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning has proven to bring many benefits to children’s learning and general well-being. We have intentionally incorporated outdoor learning components into our curriculum to embrace the belief that learning goes beyond the classroom.

Community Service

We truly believe that engaging in Community Service work helps to nurture children’s character and social emotional development. We want them to learn compassion, empathy and love through practical actions.
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